Prepare for an Explosion

Explosions can happen anywhere, under many circumstances. Explosive devices and bombs can be planted anywhere at any time by terrorists - both foreign and domestic. There’s only one way to stay safe - especially in these times - and that is to stay as well-informed as you can.

History - 9/11

September 11th, 2001 was a very dark day in history. Suicide pilots flew their planes into the twin towers at the World Trade Center, killing 2,977 people and injuring more than 6,000 others. Though a bright light shone through in the aftermath, with support from around the globe that condemned the attacks.

On the day of the September 11th attack, hundreds of thousands of people were watching the news, and in turn, watching in terror as the second plane hit the towers.

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Preparing for an Explosion

Explosions and bomb threats are unfortunately unpredictable, and that means you will have very little time to prepare. But that doesn’t mean you and your family cannot be prepared.

One of the best ways to be ready for an explosion or bomb threat is to pay attention - keep your eyes open for strange behavior and observe your surroundings carefully. It’s also a good idea to have a conversation with your family about what to do in the event there is a bomb threat or threat of an explosion.

Explosion Preparedness Plan - Activity List

Because explosions and bomb threats are so unpredictable, it’s important to have a plan you can spring into action at a moment’s notice. Before there is a bomb threat or threat of another explosion, take the following steps.

  • Have a family emergency plan
  • Have an emergency kit full of supplies at the ready
  • Get advice from local authorities about what to do during a bomb threat or when receiving suspicious letters or packages
  • Learn to recognize suspicious behavior in your peers

There are a few different ways to know if your peers, family members, or coworkers are planning a bomb threat or other terrorist attack. Report the following behavior to the proper authorities immediately.

  • Spreading or pushing misinformation
  • Threatening other people
  • Sharing hate messages - either online or through clothing
  • Have been joining suspicious groups online, or posting about a specific seemingly random date often
  • Obvious involvement with a white supremacy or other hate group

If there is an ongoing bomb threat, it is crucial that you follow these steps to stay safe.

  • Get out of the building or surrounding area immediately, if instructed by authorities
  • If you yourself are receiving a bomb threat, try to get as much information as possible - what kind of bomb is it? Where is it? When will it explode?
  • Call the proper authorities immediately, and follow their instructions

If you have received a suspicious package, there are a few telling signs that may signal a bomb is inside the package. The following include the signs.

  • You are not expecting a package
  • The package is not addressed to a specific person
  • There is no return address
  • The package has phrases such as “Do not X-ray,” “Confidential,” or “Personal” written on the outside
  • The package has threatening messages written on the outside
  • The package has protruding foil or wires, has a strange stain, or an unusual odor
  • There is excessive packaging material or postage - like string and masking tape
  • The package has an unusual shape or weight

Trust your instincts - if you feel that something is off about an unexpected package, it may be best to report it to the proper authorities.

Surviving an Explosion

When an explosion happens, it will be very sudden, and you will not have a lot of time to brace yourself. Try not to hesitate when an explosion occurs - those few seconds between disaster and action could have a big impact on how you get out of this situation.

  • Get underneath a sturdy desk or table if you are inside during the explosion - once debris stops falling around you, leave the building quickly, and be mindful of weakened stairways and floors
  • Watch out for fire and other dangers
  • Cover your nose and mouth with either a mask or piece of cloth
  • Stay low to the ground as you exit the building if there is heavy smoke
  • Once you have left the building, get to safety - do not linger around windows or glass doors
  • If you are trapped under debris, use a whistle, flashlight, or tap on pipes to get rescuers’ attention
  • Only shout for help if you have no other option - avoid inhaling dust and debris

Once you are safe and are no longer in immediate danger, there isn’t a lot you can do in the aftermath of an explosion. However, there are a few things you can expect.

  • Restrictions on travel
  • Evacuation of a specific area
  • Clean-up that lasts for months
  • Extensive media coverage of the explosion
  • Heavy involvement of local, federal, and state authorities
  • A rapid decline in mental health in affected individuals and survivors

If you or someone you love has been caught in an explosion, there will be trauma - even if it’s not physical.

Be ready to offer emotional support if someone reaches out to you - and don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you trust in the aftermath of an explosion.

Emergency Gear to Prepare for Explosions - Product List

The gear you'll need to survive. The gear you'll need for evacuation is exactly the same as what you might need when you're staying home to weather out the storm.

  1. 72-hour kit or go Bag - your individual kit should have clothing, gear and supplies for 3-10 days minium
  2. Food Storage - Take a long food from your long term food storage

An emergency kit tailored to explosions is very easy to build - you most likely have most of the supplies you’ll need at home already.

Simply gather your supplies in an easy-to-carry bag - excluding whistles. It’s best to keep a whistle on your person at all times. You can wear a whistle on a necklace or keep it in your pocket. Everything else should be kept in your emergency kit - be sure to pack the following.

  • Enough water for each member of your household - including pets
  • Non-perishable food items
  • A can opener
  • A fire extinguisher
  • A whistle
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Phone chargers
  • A fully charged power bank
  • Any medications you and your family may take
  • Pet care items
  • Infant care items
  • Comfort items for you and your children
  • Cash
  • A flash-drive full of copies of important documents, such as birth and marriage certificates
  • A first aid kit
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