Communication during an emergency is so important. BaoFeng radios are highly rated and super reliable. This radio comes with multiple batteries, a long antenna, multiple mic options, a keypad, and an LCD screen. It's form factor is more durable than the budget options.
The VHF and UHF dual-band radio has a great range. In our product tests we have been able to reach other radios from considerable distances - further than competitors.
Communicating with others in a survival situation can be life saving. We recommend Stage 2 bug out bags have one 2-way radio and Stage 3 household kits have at least two. Many experts recommend a radio per household member. We like the idea of having two of these quality radios per household with a standard RFS walkie talkie per person.
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) our ward unit connects every Sunday night in the evening. After checking in (we get 15-20 families per week) the captain reports up to the Stake level. After, the stake reports up to the Region and from there to church head quarters.
It brings so much peace of mind to know others are out there who could communicate during a 'grid-is-down', 'cell-phones-are-out' situation.
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3 Most reviews are based on personal experience from one of our content editors. Some are based on research and the opinions of other reviewers.