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Emergency Kits for Home and Family

Emergencies at home can happen at any time. The California wildfires, regular hurricanes, common tornados are some of the well-known reasons to have a grab-and-go kit handy. Be prepared with an emergency kit for your home and family. Survival rates can increase significantly when people are ready with the appropriate emergency equipment and survival gear.

Be sure you have the right gear, food and water available. A short-term supply can be a life saver.

The Emergency Prep Gear home emergency kits contain high-quality gear and life sustaining food and water to help you deal with crisis and critical events. Many of the home and family emergency kits are appropriate for many types of domestic emergency. The survival kits for home consist of a variety of food water, shelter, fire starting, first aid, navigation, signaling and communication, etc.

Acquire the right size and number of emergency kits for your home for each individual you are responsible for. There are kits for individuals, families, and more. Let us help you get outfitted for the next inevitable emergency.

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