A ferrocerium (ferro) rod and striker are used for fire starting when other options aren't available or when there's moisture. In an emergency, having a fire super important. The sooner you can get warm or cook food the better.
This rod/striker combo are waterproof & weatherproof, fits all weather, works in any weather condition. The longer rod makes it so much more effective.
Getting a fire started in an emergency when you're relocated to the outdoors is so important. A ferro rod and striker produce intensely hot sparks that can light any dry tinder on fire.
We've tested them and found that the short rods with a small striker are very frustrating. You can get a fire going but you waste a lot of energy. Longer rods produce huge amouns of hot sparks making tinder start right up.
We're not a fan of magnesium bars because you have to scrape them and dull a tool. Besides, the shavings blow away or fall on the ground and you have to start over.
This ferro rod is super effective. Sparks shower at 5,500 F (3,000 C) to ignite a fire in any weather(even wet), at any altitude:
The bright spark can be used as an emergency signal or to deter attackers.
Specs not available |
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